The Club magazine was first produced as a newsletter in 1972 and is now published twice a year, in April and October, and sent free to members.
The magazine provides Club news, information on upcoming Club events and articles written by members about their shell interests or their collecting experiences.

Recent editions have included articles on shelling in the UK (in Northumberland, Orkney and Kent) and abroad (Balut Island, Cyprus and Brazil) and on a wide range of other topics such as the rediscovery of Abbotipoma gabbi on Hispaniola, melanistic and rostrate cowries of New Caledonia and Queensland, using the apical view to identify gastropod species, and shells in art, crafts and literature.
Pallidula also includes reviews of the latest books published on shells, updates to regulations affecting collectors, and other informative articles on good practice in collecting, plus advice on how to maintain and display your shells.
Pallidula also includes reviews of the latest books published on shells, updates to regulations affecting collectors, and other informative articles on good practice in collecting, plus advice on how to maintain and display your shells.
A small amount of space is available for advertisements by dealers or Club members:
- dealers’ ads at 1/8 page cost £15 per year (two issues)
- larger sizes are charged pro rata
- members’ exchanges and private ads are free
To contribute an article or other content, or to advertise, please email the Editor. The deadline for articles for the April edition of Pallidula is 1 January; and for the October edition it is 1 July.
To read selected older editions of Pallidula, click here. An index of articles (to October 2021) is available here.
If you wish to obtain a back issue of Pallidula, please email the Treasurer.