Hints and tips for exhibitors
Putting together an exhibit for the autumn Shell Show? Here are some points to consider from the Show Secretary:
• provide a concise title which sums up the exhibit
• try to produce an attractive, eye-catching layout – if you were judging, what would you think?
• make captions and text relevant to the theme – it's not just a display of 'drawers from your collection'
• strike a balance between text, images and specimens: too little text is uninformative, too much is overwhelming
• where appropriate, label specimens clearly in the correct format, including Latin name, author and date, locality and any other relevant information you have available
• quality of specimens is obviously important, though the judges do consider this in context
• remember, the Shell of the Show will be selected from among the exhibits. This is not always the rarest specimen, but is always one of notable beauty and quality. Feel free to feature something you think is special
• exhibits may cover all Mollusca, not just those that produce shells, but not other shelled organisms
• entries for the specific Junior categories may consist of anything shell-related. Entrants are required to inform the Judges' Steward of their ages. Parents – please make sure an entry is all the work of the exhibitor
• dealers are kindly asked to set aside a single specimen on their tables, which is then labelled as their entry in a just-for-fun competition. Each entry is given a unique number reference as the basis for the members' ballot to decide the Dealer Shell of the Show.
• try to produce an attractive, eye-catching layout – if you were judging, what would you think?
• make captions and text relevant to the theme – it's not just a display of 'drawers from your collection'
• strike a balance between text, images and specimens: too little text is uninformative, too much is overwhelming
• where appropriate, label specimens clearly in the correct format, including Latin name, author and date, locality and any other relevant information you have available
• quality of specimens is obviously important, though the judges do consider this in context
• remember, the Shell of the Show will be selected from among the exhibits. This is not always the rarest specimen, but is always one of notable beauty and quality. Feel free to feature something you think is special
• exhibits may cover all Mollusca, not just those that produce shells, but not other shelled organisms
• entries for the specific Junior categories may consist of anything shell-related. Entrants are required to inform the Judges' Steward of their ages. Parents – please make sure an entry is all the work of the exhibitor
• dealers are kindly asked to set aside a single specimen on their tables, which is then labelled as their entry in a just-for-fun competition. Each entry is given a unique number reference as the basis for the members' ballot to decide the Dealer Shell of the Show.
The special category for 2020: Halloween special: dark, deadly and deformed!
Practical matters
The maximum permitted width of exhibits is 4 feet, and the maximum depth is 2 feet 6 inches. Back and side panels are permitted but please show consideration for other exhibitors. Electricity for lighting or other equipment can be made available, but please check in advance.
The maximum permitted width of exhibits is 4 feet, and the maximum depth is 2 feet 6 inches. Back and side panels are permitted but please show consideration for other exhibitors. Electricity for lighting or other equipment can be made available, but please check in advance.
To enter an exhibit
Please email its details to the Show Secretary, or detach the slip from the sheet contained in the October edition of Pallidula and post it to the address given, ideally no later than two weeks prior to the date of the Show. These details should include
• your name and address
• proposed title of the exhibit
• category entered (from the list given on the Shell Show page on this website, or on the loose sheet in Pallidula)
• approximate length of exhibit
Space is limited, so those who enter later cannot be guaranteed a space on the day. Please give the proposed title – even a working title will do – for your exhibit in advance as this is very useful when making advance preparations for the Show. Your help is much appreciated.
All entry notifications received will be acknowledged prior to the Show. If you have not received an acknowledgement, please check.
All categories, other than Photography, will be judged by a panel appointed by the Show Secretary and Judges' Steward, with classes awarded based on the judges' decisions alone. The Photography category is decided by members' ballot, as is the Dealer Shell of the Show.
Please email its details to the Show Secretary, or detach the slip from the sheet contained in the October edition of Pallidula and post it to the address given, ideally no later than two weeks prior to the date of the Show. These details should include
• your name and address
• proposed title of the exhibit
• category entered (from the list given on the Shell Show page on this website, or on the loose sheet in Pallidula)
• approximate length of exhibit
Space is limited, so those who enter later cannot be guaranteed a space on the day. Please give the proposed title – even a working title will do – for your exhibit in advance as this is very useful when making advance preparations for the Show. Your help is much appreciated.
All entry notifications received will be acknowledged prior to the Show. If you have not received an acknowledgement, please check.
All categories, other than Photography, will be judged by a panel appointed by the Show Secretary and Judges' Steward, with classes awarded based on the judges' decisions alone. The Photography category is decided by members' ballot, as is the Dealer Shell of the Show.
Please note
All entries receive a certificate which is awarded at the Show, generally by the Club President. However successful they may be in the judging, all entries are of value and interest to those attending the Show and provoke stimulating and useful discussion.
All entries receive a certificate which is awarded at the Show, generally by the Club President. However successful they may be in the judging, all entries are of value and interest to those attending the Show and provoke stimulating and useful discussion.
Any questions?
Please feel free to contact the Show Secretary by email or phone (for the number, see your printed Membership list).
Please feel free to contact the Show Secretary by email or phone (for the number, see your printed Membership list).